Monday, April 27, 2009

Me vs. The blue monster

My roommate has a 7 year old Weimaraner that, for the most part, is cool and just hangs out around the house without much noise or fuss. This is where the problem begins. He is allowed to lounge on both Aron's (my roommate) bed, the guest bed, and, until recently, the couch.  Shadow knows how to open doors but normally he stays out of my room as long as I keep the door shut. Well, Aron is out of town for work and Shadow is lonely so he started getting more attached to me (following me around the house, sleeping in my room, etc), which is ok for the most part. Now lets get to the problem.....because he has gotten attached to me, he also thought it would be ok to sleep in my bed. I tried to rigg a shoe under the door so that it would be harder to open but to no avail.  He is also attracted to anything even remotely minty, so when I came home the other night I found that he had nested in my bed which was now full of dog hair and dirt spots along with proof that he had finished off an entire box of mints and a tube of Carmex. Me:0 Dog: 1

This is when the game of "outsmart the dog REALLY began". I washed my sheets and then proceeded to remove my entire door handle off my door and turn it backwards so I could lock the door from the outside. Me: 1, dog: 1
I came home after sleeping over at a friend's house and found that he had thrown up on the couch (probably from eating the carmex and mints) and instead of washing just the slipcover for that single cushion I decided to wash the entire couch. It has been SOOOO dirty that in the month that I have lived here I have not been able to sit and watch tv a single time. So here I go....fresh and clean couch and a dog on the floor looking up at it as if he just can't wait to get up there. I used all my research skills and went on Google (which as we al know has the answer for EVERYTHING) and tried to figure out how to keep him off the couch but none of the answers I found would help me at 12:32am since all stores were closed and there was no website that would instantly deliver. I needed him not to get back up there over night and this is what I came up with (see pic). Decorative bamboo sticks across the couch. I woke up today realizing that he had not been up on the couch. HA HAAAA!!!!! Me:2 Dog:1

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Add your own caption

Since my darling sister was the one who finally inspired me to get a blog, I have decided to dedicate this 1st one to her. So now, please feel free too add your own caption to this picture.

PS.Love you sis. :-)

I was challenged!!

Ok, so I have been thinking about getting a blog for the longest time and after my sister found out that I was reading her (very whitty, comedic, and sometimes hilarious )blog,  she challenged me. So here is my answer to the challenge: I have a blog!! 

My 4 Favorite TV shows........
Grey's Anatomy
The Game

4 Things I did yesterday........
Kissed a sexy guy
Went to work
Washed my hair
Had a silly girlie moment and got mad at my guy for no reson

4 Things I long for.......
Walking the great wall of China
Getting married
Getting rich
Being a mom

4 Favorite restaurants......
Eclipse De Luna in ATL. Best Tapas ever
Atlanta Fish Market (best calamari on the planet)
Legal Seafood (any location)
The Capitol Grill in Philadelphia (gotta love their beef Tar Tar)

4 Things on my (ego) wish list.......
That I will be so in shape that I'll look like Stacey Dash at 40
That by this time next year I will have one successful business and be working on number 2
That I'll finally get a boyfriend.LOL
That I'll go back to school this summer

4 people I challenge.....
I can't challenge 4 people because I don't know anyone with blogs
Here's my invite list